Theta Healing®

Theta Healing® is a meditational technique that brings energy healing and positive change. It is an ancient wisdom that focuses on thought and prayer. It uses our natural intuition and the brain wave in a “Theta state” to clear limiting beliefs and bring spontaneous physical and emotional well-being.

The Theta Healing® technique relies on the unconditional love of the Creator Of All That Is to do the actual work by removing feelings that are holding you back or blocking the harmony in our mind, body and spirit. The meditation technique uses a connection with a higher spiritual power that can reprogram your subconscious mind and empower a positive change spontaneously.

Theta Healing

What can Theta Healing® help you with:

  • Removing fears
  • Dealing with emotional issues
  • Improving finances
  • Boosting career
  • Finding one’s life purpose
  • Removing guilt
  • Dealing with jealousy
  • Overcoming obsessions
  • Sexual issues
  • Empowerment
  • Self–confidence
  • Finding motivation
  • Removing negative thoughts
  • Overcoming trauma
  • Moving on with life

With Theta Healing® you can change the limiting beliefs into empowering ones and attract new positive energy into your life.

What the Theta Healing® session involves

The session last an hour or an hour and a half and it starts with questions and discussing your goals. During the session the person sits with their eyes closed, in a relaxed position, which helps them go into a meditative state and theta brainwave.

The procedure involves:

  • body scanning
  • muscle testing
  • co–creating the change through the subconscious mind where the core beliefs and feelings are held
  • Reprogramming limiting beliefs and feelings that cause energetic blockages

Theta Healing® sessions cost

  • 60 minutes session – £130
  • 90 minutes session -£180

The sessions could be done in person or via Skype

To book your appointment call 07879026491 or send us an e-mail from here.

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